
Monday, June 18, 2007

LPN Graduation... Island Barbecue... and Snoopy Happy Dances ...

It's been a long while since my last post... and I am so sorry to have worried you all, my dearest friends... As you all know, I haven't been well... and there has been so much going on in my life...

I sincerely did not intend to worry you all by not posting... and I know I have not answered your emails either... and I am truly sorry... I wasn't ignoring you... and I want you to know I truly appreciate your emails and your comments here... Sometimes I tend to withdraw when things get a bit overwhelming... and I know I shouldn't, but it was all more than I could bare and I just couldn't cope, nor did I have the energy to do anything save try to make it through the days... Please know that you all have been in my thoughts and my heart even though I have not been posting here or on your blogs or answering my emails... and your kind and loving emails and comments truly helped me get through all of this... there are no words to thank you all... just know that you are all very dear and special to me and your friendship means more than I could ever say... :-)

As for my stitching... I have been plodding along a wee bit... I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have my stitching to keep me sane... or I suppose I should say... Relatively Sane... ;-) I have a couple of Snoopy Happy Dances to post... and a couple I'm saving to post next time... I'm almost finished with my Mail Art piece... the deadline was extended... which was a lifesaver for me! I really hope my partner, Roberta is going to like hers... I'm still quite a bit panicky about the finishing... hopefully, I'll get through it okay and not embarrass myself too much... ;-) I can't wait to see what Roberta's stitched for me... :-) I also have lots of piccys of my son Jamie's LPN graduation and Tropical Island Themed Barbecue... Oh, and let's not forgot the Rose Flame *hare* ... ;-) although you can't really see the *fuchsia pink* that well in the piccys I have... I'll save the piccys of my daughter's Cruise for the next post... ;-) She missed Jamie's graduation as she and her dbf were Sailing away into the sunset...

It's storming here again and I'm hoping I don't have to shut my computer down because of it... I had to earlier this evening... at this rate I'll never get finished with this post... I actually started it last night but after I got all the piccys ready for posting was too exhausted to continue... hopefully, if I don't ramble too much, I'll get this posted tonight so your minds will be a bit more at ease knowing I'm okay... :-)

I think I'll just spread my rambling out over a few posts... thus perhaps I'll get something accomplished tonight... I will be taking the Nurses finishes to the Framer's on Friday so they will be framed in time for the Pinning Ceremony in late July... I also stitched Lizzie*Kate's Bless the Graduate for Jamie... I'll post that one next time... :-) Thus without further ado... let the photo gallery begin... ;-)

Nurses by Kirsten Edwards
Stitched on Meditation Picture This Plus Belfast Linen
with GAST and WDW threads...
This one was stitched for my dear son, Jamie...
finished 12 May 2007...

Nurses by Kirsten Edwards
Stitched on Light Mocha Cashel Linen
with GAST threads...
This one was stitched for Paige...
Finished on 21 May 2007...

My dear son Jamie and his dgf, Paige
LPN Graduation... 12 May 2007...

My dear sons, Jamie and Elisha ...
at Jamie's LPN Graduation ...

Jamie and Paige
Tropical Island Themed Graduation Barbecue at Paige's House...

Jamie and Paige...
Dancing the evening away
to the soothing tunes of the Islands...

Jamie and Paige...
Cutting the cake... Yummy... ;-)

Jamie and Paige opening gifts...
Elisha is looking on as they plunder through their loot...

Me and Wee Jamie at the Island Barbecue...
Since you all asked to see my *Pink* hair...
here you go... hope it doesn't scare you too much!
Although the Rose Flame streaks in my *Hare* don't show up
that well as it was getting late in the evening...
maybe you can see them a wee bit... ;-)

Thank you all again, my dearest friends for continuing to visit my blog... your thoughtful and loving wishes and comments are ever rays of sunshine filtering through the clouds...

Blessings and Love in Stitches...

I am thankful for precious moments... my children and dear friends... my stitching... and love eternal...