
Monday, February 23, 2009

Angels in our attic...

Oh, I am woefully behind with everything these days... I just haven't had the heart or the words to write in a while... Still plagued with black frogs lurking in the shadows... However, blessed, golden rays of sunshine peek out when least expected and chase away the darkness on most days... and I continue to find Blessings and Joy in simple pleasures...

As you may remember, I mentioned back at the New Year that I am going to be a Granny... well, we found out a few weeks ago that my grandson may have Down Syndrome... Jamie and Danielle do not want to have the Amniocentesis, as they do not want to endanger the baby... The Doctor gave them the option of Amniocentesis or worse... I don't even want to say it... and with both of them being Nurses they know a lot more about this than I do. Neither of them liked the Specialist Danielle's OBGYN sent them to see and to say they were put off by her vagueness about the entire thing... Her coldness and matter-of-factness about what they called Selective Birth, is putting it somewhat mildly!!! Nonetheless, to see my son so worried and upset during what should be one of the most joyous times of his life fills me with sorrow. I have tried to put his mind and heart at ease the best way I can... This could be nothing more than what they refer to as *false positives* and the wee babe is most likely perfectly fine... I know I often look at the world through *rose coloured glasses*... but I try to see the positive in everything... even though it may take me a while... my Hope and Faith and my belief that Goodness always eventually prevails brings me through even the darkest of times... And as I have told my son, regardless of what the outcome may be, this child is a blessing and for that we are thankful. All we can do is pray... and I'm praying there are Angels in our Attic watching over my wee Jamie and his wee son...

And now to officially announce the winner of my Blogoversary Giveaway... I'm sorry it's taken me a while to post the winner here. I have already informed the winner and the parcel should be arriving upon her doorstep any day now... :-) As I mentioned in an earlier post, A Christmas Carol is one of my all-time favourite Christmas stories and films and this Dickens quote is very special to me... Anyway, I do hope she likes it... stitched and hand-finished by me, such as it is, I made it into a wee door knocker pillow... I know my finishing is not the best in the world, but I'm learning! ;-) Thus without further ado....

And the winner is...

Dear Sally of StitchyAngel's Treasures...

Honour Christmas by Forget-Me-Not In Stitches...
2008 Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornament Issue
Stitched on Cashel Vintage Maple Sugar by Lakeside Linens
with Crescent Colours Belle Soie Silks
Red Fox and Collard Greens...

wee Mr Darcy having a nosey...

And the back of the door knocker pillow...

As for my other stitching... I finished a snowman by The Prairie Schooler and it was such a fun stitch... And I'm almost done with another Christmas Ornament, but I forgot to take a photo of that one and it's way too late to drag it out now... so stay tuned! There are so many lovely projects I want to start and I have a ton of WIP's I need to finish... I did start Shores of Hawk Run Hollow by Carriage House Samplings and Sense & Sensibility by The Sampler Girl... I'll post photos of my new beginnings next time as there are only a few stitches in each one just now... and we will not even mention The Nashville Market tonight... Oh, my Wish List keeps growing in leaps and bounds!

Snowman and Bunny by The Prairie Schooler
Book 151 ~ Santas & Snowmen...
Stitched on Cashel Vintage Maple Sugar
by Lakeside Linens
with DMC threads...

Snowman and Bunny by The Prairie Schooler
accompanied by wee Mr Darcy...

I had to work Valentine's Day weekend, and when the girl carrying the lovely bouquet of roses and huge balloon buzzed at the outside door {we have security monitors all over the building} we wondered who on Earth was getting flowers as there was no one in the building save my partner and I... Lo, and behold what a wonderfully, sweet surprise! They were for me! My dear daughter, Brandy and dear SIL Nick were so thoughtful and brightened my Valentine's Day immensely!!!

Lovely Pink Valentine Roses
from Brandy and Nick...
Naturally, Mr Darcy and Gandalf the Grey
had to have a wee nosey...

Oh, and I took these snowy piccies back in January when we had such a lovely snow... Thankfully, I was off work and had a lovely, cosy day stitching and enjoying the beautiful winter wonderland!

peeking out my front door...

a wee bird in the snow...

and my snowfolk flag at my front door...
bright and cheerful in a winter wonderland...

And what a wonderful, wonderful surprise I had when I discovered Dear Sally awarded me with a Fabulous Blog Award!!! Woo Hoo!!! My very first Blog Award and I am tickled pink!!! Thank you so much, Sweetie!!!

And now I am supposed to list my five addictions and also nominate five bloggers...
As for My addictions...
hmmmm to name a few... ;-)

1. My family and wee fur-babies...

2. Stitching and Stash and Stitching Blogs...

3. Watching films and Stitching...

4. Reading...

5. Coffee...

Now for my nominations, and as Sally posted... please don't be offended if your blog isn't here... it doesn't mean I love your blog any less... And believe me, it is not easy choosing just five blogs when I find such joy and inspiration by visiting all your blogs! And Sally, right back at you you Darlin'!!!





Lynn B

And I'll have to save the rest for later as it's after midnight and my alarm will start clanging the back of 4:00 in the morning... Oh, I don't even want to think about it... Alas, my lovely, relaxing weekend of stitching and watching Midsomer Murder DVD's back to back and over and over has come and gone and it's back to the daily grind tomorrow...

Thank you ever so kindly my dear friends for continuing to visit my blog and for your emails... I know I am woefully behind with comments on your blogs and emails... however, I will catch up and I am visiting your blogs to see how you all are keeping... just haven't been any words of late!!! Your continued visits, kind, thoughtful and encouraging wishes are ever blessed rays of sunlight in my days...

And may there ever be Angels in your attic and Love in your Hearts...

Blessings and Love in Stitches...


I am thankful for precious moments... precious children and grandchilden, blessings in disguise, dear friends and Angels in our attic...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Scotland Homecoming 2009...

Loch Lomond... by Runrig...

In Honour of Scotland's Homecoming 2009...

I had to repost this as when I went in to edit to add a label and a wee bit of text... the video disappeared... and I couldn't make it reappear!

Blessings and Love in Stitches...
